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This text appears to be a lengthy passage from a legislative document, likely a law or regulation, and contains several key points related to government programs and policies. 1. Social Security Act Amendments: The first part of the text discusses amendments to the Social Security Act, specifically regarding the treatment of families participating in a demonstration project. Families are required to be treated as individuals eligible for medical assistance under section 1902(a)(10X) of the Social Security Act if their participation is terminated due to increased income from employment or child support collection. 2. Payment Requirements: The text also stipulates that families participating in the project must receive cash assistance under the project in an amount not less than the aggregate value of the assistance they would have received under AFDC and food stamps programs. 3. Project Termination: The project will terminate at the end of the 5-year period beginning on the first day of the month during which the project begins, or if earlier, 180 days after the State notifies the Secretary of Health and Human Services that it intends to terminate the project. 4. Payment to States: If an application submitted by the State complies with the requirements specified in subsection (b) and contains an evaluation plan which meets the requirements of subsection (g), and the Secretary of Health and Human Services approves the application, then the Secretary shall pay the State for each calendar quarter, pursuant to section 403 of such Act. 5. Social Security Disability Benefits: The text also discusses the opportunity for individuals receiving benefits under title II of the Social Security Act on the basis of disability by reason of blindness to make an election under section 221(IX) of such Act. 6. Agent Orange Settlement Fund: Payments made from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund are not considered income or resources in determining eligibility for benefits under certain federal programs, including supplemental security income and aid to families with dependent children. 7. Comptroller General's Compliance Report: The text requires the Comptroller General to submit a compliance report before January 31, 1990, setting forth the information required under section 253 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 with respect to an order issued by the President. 8. Budget Reductions: Finally, the text mentions that a revised report on budget reductions must be issued by the Director of OMB before January 31, 1990, taking into account the reductions achieved by previous orders.
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