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Argentina's economic activity contracted in the second quarter due to a severe drought that mainly affected the harvest. While the non-agricultural sector maintained its level of activity, the formal employment in non-agricultural sectors continued to rise. The contraction in exports, decline in inventories, and reduction in private consumption were partially offset by an increase in investment. To address the impact of the drought, the Government and the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) introduced various measures, including changes to the official exchange rate, increased taxes on imported goods, and modifications to the Exporter's Program. The BCRA also adjusted its monetary policy to reduce inflation and stabilize the financial system. The BCRA plans to continue calibrating its policies to maintain a positive real return on investments, accumulate international reserves, and preserve the financial and exchange rate stability.

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� En Argentina la actividad econ�mica se contrajo en el segundo trimestre del a�o, como consecuencia de la severa sequ�a que afect� principalmente la cosecha gruesa. Por su parte, el nivel de actividad del conjunto de los sectores no agropecuarios se mantuvo estable respecto al primer trimestre y el empleo formal en los sectores no agropecuarios continu� aumentando. Respecto a la demanda, la contracci�n de las exportaciones netas, ca�da de existencias, ambas afectadas por la sequ�a, y la merma en el consumo privado fueron parcialmente contrarrestadas por el aumento de la inversi�n. ,� La sequ�a provoc� una fuerte ca�da en flujos comerciales del exterior, con una p�rdida estimada en torno a US$ 20.000 millones, y de la recaudaci�n por derechos de exportaci�n, que se redujo en 0,6% del PIB. Con el objetivo de contribuir a una mejora en el saldo comercial y favorecer la acumulaci�n de reservas internacionales, as� como tambi�n fortalecer los recursos fiscales, desde mediados de julio el Gobierno Nacional y el BCRA impulsaron un conjunto medidas impositivas y cambiarias. Entre ellas se destacaron la recalibraci�n del tipo de cambio oficial a un valor de $/US$ 350, la ampliaci�n del impuesto PAIS a la importaci�n de otros bienes y servicios y una serie de modificaciones al Programa de Incremento Exportador (PIE). ,� La inflaci�n de los �ltimos meses reflej� el impacto de la mayor volatilidad financiera y de las diversas medidas orientadas a compensar las consecuencias de la sequ�a en los recursos fiscales y en las reservas internacionales, entre las que se destac� la recalibraci�n del tipo de cambio oficial. El efecto en precios se habr�a concentrado fundamentalmente en agosto y septiembre, con una inflaci�n promedio mensual en torno al 12%. Sin embargo, la inflaci�n mostr� una tendencia a la baja desde la primera semana de septiembre y se espera para octubre una marcada reducci�n en la tasa de inflaci�n mensual, favorecida por una serie de medidas implementadas por el Gobierno Nacional y el BCRA. ,� El BCRA readecu� la tasa de inter�s de pol�tica monetaria con el objetivo de morigerar el traslado a precios de la recalibraci�n del tipo de cambio oficial a un valor de $/US$ 350. Espec�ficamente, dispuso elevar en 21 p.p. la tasa de inter�s de la LELIQ a 28 d�as de plazo, llev�ndola a 118% n.a. (209,4% e.a.). Asimismo, elev� la tasa de inter�s m�nima garantizada para las colocaciones de personas humanas a un rendimiento efectivo mensual de 9,7%. De este modo, se busc� propender hacia retornos reales positivos sobre las inversiones en moneda local y contribuir al equilibrio financiero y cambiario. ,� En los pr�ximos meses, el BCRA continuar� calibrando sus pol�ticas en un contexto de mayor volatilidad en los mercados financieros asociado al per�odo electoral. En materia de tasas de inter�s, actuar� dentro de su objetivo estructural de propender hacia retornos reales positivos sobre las inversiones en moneda local y favorecer la acumulaci�n de reservas. Asimismo, el BCRA continuar� interviniendo en los mercados secundarios de deuda p�blica con el fin de evitar una excesiva volatilidad que comprometa la estabilidad financiera y cambiaria, y mantendr� una administraci�n prudente de los agregados monetarios, esterilizando eventuales excedentes de liquidez, de manera de preservar el equilibrio monetario. Por �ltimo, en pos de seguir apoyando la expansi�n de la actividad econ�mica, el BCRA continuar� estimulando el cr�dito, en particular aquel vinculado al desarrollo productivo a trav�s de la L�nea de Financiamiento para la Inversi�n Productiva. , Descargar Informe, Acceder a todas las ediciones,Lunes 9 de octubre de 2023 ,   Compartilo en Twitter    Compartilo en Linkedin    Compartilo en WhatsApp

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The economic activity in Argentina contracted in the second quarter of the year due to a severe drought that mainly affected the major harvest. The non-agricultural sector, however, maintained its level of activity compared to the first quarter, and formal employment in the non-agricultural sector continued to increase.

The drought led to a significant decline in trade flows, estimated to be around US$20,000 million, and a decrease in customs revenue, which fell by 0.6% of GDP. To contribute to a improvement in the trade balance, stabilize the international reserves, and strengthen the fiscal resources, the National Government and the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) implemented a set of measures, including the recalculation of the official exchange rate, the expansion of the PAIS tax to imports of other goods and services, and modifications to the Exporter’s Program (PIE).

The inflation rate in recent months has reflected the impact of the increased financial volatility and the various measures aimed at offsetting the consequences of the drought on fiscal resources and international reserves. The inflation rate is expected to have concentrated mainly in August and September, with an average monthly inflation rate of around 12%. However, the inflation rate has shown a downward trend since the first week of September, and a significant reduction in the monthly inflation rate is expected for October, thanks to a series of measures implemented by the National Government and the BCRA.

The BCRA has recalibrated the interest rate to mitigate the impact of the recalculation of the official exchange rate on prices. Specifically, it has raised the interest rate on the LELIQ by 21 basis points to 28 days, bringing it to 118% n.a. (209.4% e.a.), and increased the minimum guaranteed interest rate for human placements to an effective monthly return of 9.7%. This aims to promote positive returns on investments in local currency and contribute to financial and exchange rate balance.

In the coming months, the BCRA will continue to calibrate its policies in a context of increased volatility in financial markets associated with the election period. In terms of interest rates, it will aim to promote positive returns on investments in local currency and encourage the accumulation of reserves. The BCRA will also continue to intervene in the secondary market for public debt to avoid excessive volatility that would compromise financial stability and exchange rate stability, and will maintain prudent management of monetary aggregates, sterilizing any excess liquidity to preserve monetary balance. Finally, the BCRA will continue to support economic expansion by stimulating credit, particularly credit linked to productive development through the Line of Financing for Productive Investment.

Central Bank of the Argentine Republic

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