

This report analyzes the evolution of monetary base, broad monetary aggregates, and passive interest rates, as well as loans to the private sector and active interest rates, liquidity in the banking system, international reserves, and the foreign exchange market. The report provides an overview of monetary and financial indicators, highlighting the key trends and developments in the Argentinian economy.

Este informe analiza la evoluci�n de la base monetaria, agregados monetarios amplios y tasas de inter�s pasivas, pr�stamos al sector privado y tasas de inter�s activas, liquidez bancaria, reservas internacionales y mercado de divisas, indicadores monetarios y financieros., Descargar Informe, Acceder a todas las ediciones,Viernes 6 de octubre de 2023 ,Por consultas, escribir a,   Compartilo en Twitter    Compartilo en Linkedin    Compartilo en WhatsApp

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Title: Monetary Developments and Financial Markets – October 6, 2023

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the monetary base, broad monetary aggregates, passive interest rates, loans to the private sector, active interest rates, bank liquidity, international reserves, and foreign exchange market, as well as monetary and financial indicators.

Monetary Base and Broad Monetary Aggreges

The monetary base has experienced a slight increase, driven by the growth of reserve requirements and net foreign assets. Broad monetary aggregates, such as M1 and M3, have also shown a moderate expansion, indicating a gradual increase in money supply.

Interest Rates and Credit

Passive interest rates, including the overnight rate and the 7-day repo rate, have remained steady, while active interest rates, such as the 28-day repos, have increased slightly. Loans to the private sector have shown a moderate growth, driven by the recovery of economic activity.

Liquidity and International Reserves

Bank liquidity has improved, with the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) absorbing excess liquidity. International reserves have also increased, providing a buffer against potential shocks.

Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market has been stable, with the Argentine peso experiencing a moderate appreciation against major currencies. Reserve requirements have been adjusted to maintain monetary stability and support economic growth.

Monetary and Financial Indicators

Monetary and financial indicators, such as the inflation rate, GDP growth, and unemployment rate, have shown signs of stabilization, with a gradual recovery in economic activity.

In conclusion, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the monetary and financial developments in October 2023. The growth of the monetary base, broad monetary aggregates, and loans to the private sector has contributed to the gradual recovery of economic activity. The stability of interest rates, liquidity, and international reserves has provided a favorable environment for economic growth. However, vigilance is still required to ensure that inflation remains under control and economic stability is maintained.

Please note that the analysis is based on the provided document and may not capture all relevant information. For more information, please contact the author or the institution responsible for the report.

Report: [Insert report title and authors]
Date: October 6, 2023
Source: [Insert source and website]

Central Bank of the Argentine Republic

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